Unsent Letters.

Dear Roni,

My year sucked! But so did our Mum’s. Actually hers was much worse. 😔

But today, right now it’s just a few minutes until the New Year and I guess I… wanted to talk to you for a bit.

I’m sick. This is going to be the second birthday that finds me sick ever since I turned nine! I didn’t have much planned but I hoped I’d at least prepare a nice meal for Mum and I. Which I’m not going to be able to do. 😭

This year has been one problem after another and I guess this is just the icing on this piece of garbage that 2019 has been.

Did you know that sometimes when I look up at the night sky on a starry night I smile and imagine you’re one of those little twinkle beings up there looking down on us? It’s a silly notion, I know. But it gives me comfort to think that you’re up there, happy and shining brightly!

I don’t think 2020 is going to be any better a year than this was but I’m just a pessimist.

Thank you, for always listening and reading my letters! I hope one day I get to join you up there. 😊

But for now, watch over Mum for me, will you?

I love you!

Forever Always,

Your little Sister! ❤️

Published by Incorrigible


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